Sunday 3 July 2011

New York Cheesecake

Happy 4th of July! Oh, how I had grand plans of creating something lovely especially for all my loyal readers in the US and those celebrating the 4th of July around the world, something as I had done last year with my Independence Day Cupcakes... alas, it has been a most busy weekend!

Nonetheless, I simply had to make something to mark Independence Day - so what better than a pure, unadulterated classic like a New York Cheesecake? Since making this cake, I've been wondering about the history of this iconic cake but my online searches have largely been unfruitful .. From a couple of sources I have read that this simple style of cheesecake was very popular in New York in the early 1900s. I'm not sure if this is true though, so if any of you readers know, please share! I do love a good morsel of culinary history ;)

New York Cheesecake
Adapted recipe from Good Taste magazine (May 2008)


1 x 250g pkt plain sweet biscuits (I used a combination of 'Digestive' & Arnott's 'Nice' biscuits)
125g unsalted butter, melted
750g cream cheese, at room temperature
215g (1 cup) caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp finely grated lemon rind
2 tbs plain flour
4 eggs
1 x 300ml ctn sour cream
raspberries to serve (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 160°C. Lightly grease, and line the base of a 23cm (base measurement) springform pan with non-stick baking paper.

2. Place the biscuits in the bowl of a food processor and process until finely crushed. Add the butter and process until well combined. Transfer to the lined pan. Use a straight-sided glass to spread and press the biscuit mixture firmly over the base and side of pan, leaving 1cm at the top of the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.

3. Meanwhile, use an electric beater to beat the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon rind in a large bowl until just combined. Beat in the flour. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition until combined. Stir in the sour cream until just combined.

4. Pour the cream cheese mixture into the base.

Place the pan on a baking tray and bake for 1 1/4-1 1/2 hours or until just set in the centre. Turn oven off. Leave the cheesecake in oven, with the door ajar, for 2 hours or until cooled completely (this will prevent cheesecake from cracking). Place in the fridge for 4 hours to chill.

5. Cut into wedges, and serve with a few raspberries.

This recipe produces a delicious result! Wishing you all a very happy 4th of July, whatever may be on your menu tomorrow :)

Ladybird x


  1. Oh, Anna, yummm. Baked cheesecakes are the best cheesecakes. It looks velvety and rich and just delicious - everything a cheesecake should be.

  2. Mmmm baked cheesecake is my favourite type of cheesecake. I can never say no to it!

  3. This is so tempting will have to try this soon

  4. Always a classic favorite! I much prefer baked cheesecakes, but my hubby likes the other- maybe that's why they say opposites attract?

  5. I swoon, dream of, adore, long for, and bow at the altar of a dense rich New York cheesecake! Alas, my lactardation makes it a rare treat, but you've just stirred the cheesecakemonstercraving in me... and it must be sated! :P

  6. Hello from Barcelona! your cheesecake looks delicious!! congratulations! I invite you to visit my blog, specially the link from my recipe of cheesecake with raspberries- . Sorry is in spanish, but you could see the pictures, don't hesitate to ask me whatever you wish!

  7. My favourite cheesecake ever :-) It looks so good and I love these little raspberries with it!

  8. yum oh how i love a new york cheesecake!

  9. This is the best cheesecake recipe I've tried (and I've used a fair few). My family is quite picky about their cheesecake and this was a huge hit! Thanks for a quality take on a classic.

  10. So perfect in it's simplicity. Love the raspberries too :)

  11. This reminds me of my holiday to NY. All we did for hours on end was look for the best NY Cheesecake in Manhattan! Crazy right?! Looks great. Happy 4th of July!

  12. Oh my goodness....that looks delicious! I love cheesecake (Oddly enough my parents and sister aren't crazy about it - I'm beginning to question my lineage) I think I may have to attempt this recipe soon :)

  13. What a great way to celebrate the fourth of July! It looks just like the cheesecake we had in NY years ago! :D

  14. The truth is I don't know much about this cake's history but as a New Yorker I can vouch that your looks absolutely authentic. Great job.


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