Thursday 9 June 2011

Flavoured scones - a Bakers Delight Giveaway!

Thanks to the good people at Keep Left PR and Bakers Delight, I recently received a delivery of Bakers Delight's new flavoured scones to my workplace. Just in time for our Friday team meeting, I served them up to my food-loving and willing colleagues to sample.

The 2 flavours we tried were the date scone and the apple strudel scone.

Image courtesy of Bakers Delight

There was resolute consensus in regards to which of the two was best - the date scone. Although an interesting flavour combination, there was debate as to whether or not the apple strudel scone could in fact be considered a scone in the true sense of the word due to its moist and dense texture. Oh how I love my workmate 'guinea pigs', as I call them - they are quite the connoisseurs!

Image courtesy of Bakers Delight

*** GIVEAWAY ***
Thanks to Bakers Delight, readers of Diary of a Ladybird have the opportunity to win one of five $5 Bakers Delight vouchers.
Entries close June 24. This giveaway is restricted to Australian residents only (sorry!)

It's easy to enter! Here's how:
  • Simply leave a comment on this post telling me about your favourite type of scone.
  • Email me your comment along with your full name and postal address to: diaryofaladybird[at]gmail[dot]com. 
This giveaway has now closed.
Congratulations to Marisol, Carina, Lil, Anne and Angie - you are all winners!
Good luck!

Ladybird x


  1. My favourite type of scone is the kind fresh out of the magic oven of an old and kindly elderly woman. There is just something about homebaked goods, perhaps the history behind the recipe or the secret ingredient, which makes it so much more special. It transforms even the most basic and plain scones into something delightful!

  2. my favourite is the saltana one. Nice and simple. But the best of them all.

  3. I like the date ones. They are great classic hits!

  4. I have an award waiting for you at my place! Come pick it up!

  5. I always make lemonade scones, do they count?

  6. Bakers delight did a Passion fruit and white chocolate scone which was absolutely gorgeous. That flavour has remained my favourite. I have a recipe that I want to try that I am told is similar but I am sure Bakers Delight have a secret twist.

    Please bring back the Passion fruit and White Chocolate Scone Bakers Delight!! PLEASE!!

  7. I have been avoiding BD because I'm scared that once I start I won't stop. My favourite was their chocolate scones! Who doesn't love chocolate? Chocolate + scones = deliciousness =)

  8. Those scones look amazing! And I love your pictures. Wish I lived in Australia so I could win them!

  9. Thanks for your entries everyone - keep 'em coming!

    PS @ Gourmet Getaways - I was at Bakers Delight and guess what they had - Passionfruit & white chocolate scones! I smiled and thought of you immediately! :D

  10. Our favorite scones are the homemade sort.. the ones which are made together with love! We have scones often, just plain or sometimes add saltanas but either way its something my kids will remember doing with their mummy for years to come!

  11. I really like the bakers delight passionfruit and white chocolate scones.

  12. My favourite scones are the ones my brother bakes for me... hot from the over with butter and golden syrup... hmmm hmmm hmmm.

  13. I like scones with lots of jam and clotted cream while drinking earl grey tea.
