Saturday 14 December 2013

Plum Cafe, Kenmore

I can't believe it's been exactly a year now that the Ladybird family has been back in Brisbane. A lot has happened this year, and Christmas is just around the corner. Things are just so busy these days, it's hard to get quality time with Mr Ladybird. Dinner dates are impossible, but brunch dates are much more feasible and so we schedule them in whenever we can and really look forward to them.

I am delighted to be posting about brunch at Plum in Kenmore, because it's one of my favourites. Located in Brisbane's western suburbs, Plum has built a name for itself since its opening. It is run by the very dedicated and experienced Lance and Christine Zhou, who took Plum over seven years ago.  Plum is always pretty busy, but weekend breakfasts are especially busy, and with good reason too. The food is excellent, as is the coffee and service.

The breakfast menu is diverse, with eight cooked breakfast options, as well as a number of lighter options including house-made muffins (sweet and savoury). It is also worth mentioning that Plum is also a deli with a wide range of gourmet pantry items, which also serve to whet the appetite when you are dining there alongside them!

But back to the breakfast... Mr Ladybird and I headed to Plum on Wednesday morning and started with coffees, which start at $3.60. A good coffee always sets the tone for breakfast, and these hit the mark. While sipping on our coffee I spotted a fellow patron starting on his house-made granola made with strawberries and yoghurt. It looked so good, I instantly felt order envy!

It wasn't long at all though before our own orders arrived. For me, the Mushrooms ($17.90)
oven roasted garlic and herbed mushrooms, sauteed spinach, cherry tomatoes, goat’s cheese with a drizzle of lemon infused olive oil and ciabatta toast. The mushrooms were just delicious, and that goat's cheese.. heaven!

For Mr Ladybird, the Vegetarian Breakfast ($19.90) poached eggs (substituted for scrambled in this instance), haloumi, mushrooms, roasted tomato, avocado, rosti and pesto & fresh spinach. This was one generous and delicious breakfast feast, so much so that Mr Ladybird needed a little help with the haloumi. No twisting of arm required, I was happy to assist! The rosti was excellent - I just love it when you get a proper rosti and not something out of a freezer packet, because there is simply no comparison.

With the most important meal of the day complete, Mr Ladybird and I set about our busy days. And I must say, with such generous portion sizes, this breakfast kept us going for hours! Nothing beats a good coffee and breakfast to set you up for the day. Despite prices being a little on the high side, I would say that Plum offer the best breakfast I have had here in Brisbane, so if you are looking for a place to eat in the western suburbs, Plum is worth checking out.

Ladybird & Mr Ladybird dined courtesy of Plum Cafe.

Plum Cafe
Shop 17, 841 Moggill Rd, Kenmore
Ph: (07) 3378 5422

Plum Cafe on Urbanspoon


  1. It looks good place to go and spend time with your friends. Food also looks awesome, thanks for sharing it, will plan with friends to visit the place


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  3. Plum is out of business. Closed.

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