Sunday, 2 January 2011

Campos Cafe & Roastery, Fortitude Valley

Happy new year my beloved readers and fellow food enthusiasts! May 2011 be a wonderful year for you all. I am really looking forward to the year ahead, particularly from a blogging perspective. I have an abundance of recipes and food experiences I can't wait to share with you, as well as a few other surprises I have up my sleeve ;) I'm sure there'll be lots of other food experiences to be had along the way this year, and I look forward to sharing them with you, and reading about yours too of course!

I am back in Sydney after a short break to Queensland for Christmas with my family there. While in Queensland, Mr Ladybird and I had the opportunity to eat out at both some new places, as well as places we used to frequent often while we lived in Brisbane. Revisiting what used to be our local areas was a good experience. It is amazing how some things change immensely while other things stay so much the same in a matter of just a few years.

On Christmas eve, we met up with family for brunch at Campos Cafe Roastery off trendy James Street in the Fortitude Valley. The cafe was recommended by one of my brothers who is quite the foodie and has his finger on the pulse for places to eat and get good coffee in the Brisbane/Gold Coast area so I knew it had to be blogged. It was only when I settled in Sydney that I learnt of just how good their coffee is, so I was excited by the fact that Campos coffee has now made its mark in Queensland!

Although Campos Cafe does not take reservations, the large group of us waited only a short while to be seated at the back of the restaurant where we had a great view of the roastery. I did not take any shots of this in accordance with cafe signage requesting patrons not to photograph this, but it was cool to see nonetheless. Once settled in our seats (or stools in this case), we ordered our coffees which were a warm and comforting during the crazy wet and cold weather Queensland experienced over Christmas.

We then ordered our breakfast choices. While there were relatively few vegetarian options on the menu, Mr Ladybird and I learnt from our friendly waitress that alterations could be made to some of the savoury dishes to accommodate for meat-free diners such as ourselves. It's that sort of flexibility with a smile (and not being made feel that you're a complete pain in the a**) that always makes me happy to recommend such places to others, vegetarian or not!

Unfortunately Campos Cafe's menu is not published online and I was somewhat in holiday mode so did not make notes on my visit, so I am unable to give you the exact descriptions and prices of dishes... So on this occasion I shall simply say it with pictures.

Campos Cafe's dishes aren't the cheapest in town at somewhere between $15 - $20... I would consider that quite pricey in Sydney let alone Brisbane, but if you are after an excellent coffee with your brunch too, perhaps it is worth the price. All-in-all an enjoyable brunch experience.

Campos Cafe & Roastery
11 Wandoo Street, Fortitude Valley
QLD 4006
(07) 3252 3612

Till next time!
Ladybird x


  1. sounds like you've been having a delicious holiday! happy new year dude! here's to another year of tasty eats!

  2. ooh I like the little fried egg hiding in that bread roll. Great to see Campos coffee expanding - I presume their baristas are equally good. Happy New Year and can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2011!

  3. Yum! I love going back to old favourites and finding they are still as wonderful as I remembered. The food pictures were awesome!

  4. The husband and I absolutely love Campos! One taste and you're hooked literally, and there aren't enough places near where we live that offer it. Food looks great too, esp that cute egg in a bun =D

    Happy New Year, Anna, and all the best for 2011!

  5. Oh cute, egg in a bun! It's like the classier version of frog in a log :) And hurrah for not being treated like you're a hassle - as someone who comes from a family with lots of allergies, it's so important to find places that treat customers with respect :) Happy New Year!!

  6. Campos coffee is one of the things my husband misses most about Australia. Seriously- he gets misty at the thought of it...but it's that proud tower of pancakes that gets me excited

  7. Yum, that is the best-looking coffee shop food I think that I've seen.

  8. It's nice to offered a bit of respect, sometimes you're made to feel like a total loser if you have food allergies/ issues. And a good coffee is definately worth paying for!

  9. Campos is where I go for my workday coffee breaks. Awesome coffee, i'll have to try some of their meals. I hope you had a lovely Christmas even with our crazy weather.

  10. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information cafe stool


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