Friday 15 January 2010

Eating out (at home)

There's no disputing the fact that a home-cooked meal is a lovely one. But a home-cooked meal made by others in your home is even better! You can sit back and relax with your glass of wine with the comfort of knowing you don't have to drive anywhere (or handle a knife), and give only the occasional direction on where to find something or how to get something working. And if someone else is cooking, you will usually end up eating something you wouldn't normally make yourself.. so in a way it's like eating out in the comfort of your own home!

Mr Ladybird and I had the pleasure of such an experience recently when my brother and his girlfriend visited Sydney. They treated us to a delicious home cooked meal of Pumpkin, Sage and Ricotta Lasagne, followed by Maple Syrup Roast Peaches with Coconut Crumble.

The lasagne was simple and delicious, and it made me think how well the flavours of pumpkin and sage complement each other. Note to self - must add sage to balcony herb garden!

To get the recipe, click here.

My brother's girlfriend, Amber, whipped up these succulent peaches with a crunchy coconut topping in no time. Such a talented little lady...

To check out the recipe for this easy and yummy summer dessert, click here.

And we enjoyed it all with a wonderful Printhie 2009 Sauvignon Blanc from Orange. I would highly recommend this wine... It also turns out that Amber is from Orange, so that was a nice coincidence :)

On a side note, I want to let you all know that Amber will at long last be starting her own blog soon, called My Button Cake. Stay tuned...

Ladybird x


  1. It is certainly nice to have others cook for you. I love when my bf cooks for me, although it doesnt happen often lol
    The lesagne looks great, i love pumpkin and sage, we have sage growing in the garden which is so handy :)


  2. I'd love to get friends to do that for me! Any hints on how to arrange that? Seriously though, that lasange looks fantastic, pumpkin and sage is such a good combo! :D

  3. I always thought lasagne is filled with minced beef. It's actually nice to make it vegetarian. I would love that. Love the simple fruit dessert too....coconut topping...mmmm.

  4. I'm usually the one entertaining friends in my home but I'm not averse to the idea of having others cook for me here!

  5. hi ladybird thought i would check out you blog

    its great keep it up

    terry sydney party shop


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