Saturday 16 January 2010

Passionfruit Melting Moments

There are some fruits that are quintessentially summery, and passionfruit is definitely one of them. I saw some beautiful passionfruit in a fruit and veg shop this morning, and thought I'd try making some passionfuit melting moments. The idea came from seeing a fellow blogger's entry a little while back.

So, here is my recipe for easy and failproof passionfruit melting moments. The smell of fresh cookies and the heavenly scent of passionfruit makes these hard to resist. You bite through the crumbly cookie and taste the buttery and slight zingy flavour of the passionfruit filling as it oozes out inbetween- superb!

Melting moment biscuits
125 g unsalted butter
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/4 c icing sugar
1 c plain flour
1/6 c cornflour

1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees celcius and line a large tray with baking paper.
2. Sift plain flour and cornflour and set aside.
3. Cream butter, icing sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy.
4. Slowly add sifted flours to butter mixture. Beat on slow speed until a soft dough forms and just combined.

5. Roll small, heaped teaspoonfuls of mixture into balls and place on tray.

6. Slightly flatten with the heel of your palm, or with a flat object.

7. Gently press fork down onto biscuits to flatten a little further.

8. Bake for 15 mins. Biscuits should be pale in colour and slightly golden on the bottom.

9. Remove from oven and allow to sit on tray for 5 mins. Then transfer to wire rack to cool.

Passionfruit butter filling
60 g unsalted butter
3/4 c icing sugar
few teaspoons passionfruit pulp

1. Beat butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Stir though pulp one teaspoon at a time until the filling is a good consistency. Adding it gradually is the best way to avoid letting it become too runny.
3. Stick biscuits together with a small amount of filling between each.

The above recipes should make around 12 complete melting moments. Store them straight away in an airtight container, and enjoy!

Ladybird x


  1. Somehow the zinginess of passionfruit helps to cut through the butteriness, and the filling complements the crumbliness so well. Absolute winning comibnation!

  2. Ohh! This is one of my alltime favourite cookies! I think they may have been the first cookies I ever baked! :) And with passionfruit too, sounds delicious.

  3. How pretty! I love melting moments (both making and eating them). Passionfruit is my favourite flavour too!

  4. They look absolutely perfect (and hehe I always look out for the fork marks). Love the icing sugar shower pic too :)

  5. Wow...these look cute and pretty. I can imagine them melting in my good. Love them.


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